Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Misconduct Investigations free essay sample

Affairs units, it is common practice for Internal Affairs to propose a finding to the ultimate decision-maker. Sometimes, Internal Affairs also proposes discipline to the ultimate decision-maker. In those agencies, the investigators are seen as closest to the facts and as professionals best positioned to weigh evidence and testimony. In those agencies, Internal Affairs plays a role in assuring the consistency, accuracy, and appropriateness of the disciplinary process.In other Internal Affairs units, the role of the investigator is narrowly defined to producing a auteur, objective, and accurate factual summary. Internal Affairs should conduct all serious administrative investigations, including but not limited to officer-involved shootings, in-custody deaths, alleged constitutional violations, allegations of racial profiling or discriminatory policing or racial prejudice, dishonesty, drug use, sexual misconduct, cases handled for other Jurisdictions, interagency cases, and cases referred directly by the agency head or command staff.Internal Affairs should also conduct all administrative investigations of allegations of misconduct that are likely o result in litigation against the agency or its members. We will write a custom essay sample on Misconduct Investigations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Unless there Is a specialized unit to handle internal complaints by employees of discrimination, sexual harassment, and other unlawful employment practices, Internal Affairs should conduct such investigations. Internal Affairs may investigate instead of the direct supervisor because some policies are set up that way. Internal Affairs can Investigate without any feelings being involved towards the officer.

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